Why You Should Check Your Transmission Fluid?
Your car’s automatic transmission is a critical part of the vehicle. It has to work hard and is subject to intense heat and friction. If your transmission becomes damaged, then it may be irreparable, leading to a costly replacement. Fortunately, if you check regularly you may be able to save your transmission and a team like Milta Technology can help to repair the parts within the transmission to keep it running like new.
By checking your transmission, you can help to keep it running as well as ever. So how do you monitor your transmission’s health?
How to check the transmission fluid
Firstly, it is essential to check the health of your transmission regularly. If you only check it when you start to notice a problem, then it is probably too late, and damage to the transmission may have already been done. Secondly, it is essential to follow the guidance in your owner’s handbook. You will need to equip yourself with a clean white rag.
It is wise to check the transmission fluid in your vehicle when it is warm. The transmission fluid expands when it is heated. If you check the transmission fluid when it is cold, then you may be concerned that you only have low levels of fluid. If you overfill the transmission fluid, the pressure can cause the fluid to flow out of the vent and can cause the seals to blow. This can cause instability with the transmission, which can lead to a transmission slip.
When you remove the transmission dipstick, clean it with a rag. Check the rag for the colour of the fluid. Brown fluid will be a warning sign for you to change the fluid, while black indicates a need to change it urgently and perhaps take your vehicle for a diagnostic check to find out the cause of the black fluid.
It is also wise to check the viscosity of the fluid. If there are metal shavings or particles in the liquid, then there is evidence of contaminants that could be due to a number of different issues such as damaged or worn parts. Bubbles or foam also indicate a problem, usually that the wrong fluid has been used, or it has been overfilled.
You can also check the smell of the fluid. If it smells burnt, then it could be a sign that your transmission has developed problems. If you leave the fluid with a burnt smell, then you could cause further damage to the vehicle.
If you discover any problems with the transmission or need any help, contact the team at Milta for expert advice and friendly assistance.