Another customer that visited our garage was an owner of the Audi A4 with the 8-speed automatic gearbox
He had his car left in an official Audi branded workshop, where it was diagnosed with the need to replace the whole gearbox together with the entire cooling system. The cost of such replacement at this place was estimated at £7400.
The indication of the problem was the leakage of the transmission fluid. We got a video from the car workshop presenting the gearbox, and all the components below it covered with oil. We diagnosed that there are two possible options – one was that the chain inside the transmission was broken and that it damaged the casing. The other possibility was a leakage inside the cooling system.
The car owner decided to move the car to our garage so we can try to diagnose the exact reason of the leakage and to determine if it could be fixed. We went over to take the car to our place and started with our diagnostic procedure. The bottom of the car was all covered in transmission fluid, just as on the video. We couldn’t find any visible cracks on the gearbox so we’ve decided to check if replacing the tubes in the cooling system would help.
We've arranged some pipes that we had available at our workshop and fixed them in the place of the regular ones
Then we filled the transmission with new fluid and took the car for a test drive. As we guessed, there was no leakage of the transmission fluid anymore, which proved our diagnose to be right. All we needed is to find the new pipes that were designed for this model at a reasonable price and attach them to the car.
We’ve found a perfectly suitable set of piping in a mint condition at only £40, while the standard cost of such elements is about £300. We finished the repair and let our customer know that the car is now absolutely fine without the need to make any major repair or replacing the transmission. The whole cost of the repair was below £300, and the happy owner could drive back home safely with no further issues.