Your vehicle uses a lot of different components and systems to make it work. It also makes use of a number of important fluids: engine oil, coolant, transmission fluid, brake fluid, and power steering fluid. We also mustn’t forget the essential (but flammable and dangerous) fluid that makes it all go — petrol. Even the […]
Tag: AvoidingTroubles
The throes of winter are finally leaving us and spring is just around the corner. With the COVID-19 vaccine rolling out at great speed across the UK, there’s light at the end of the tunnel and everyone is hopeful to have the ability to move freely and resume some semblance of normal life come the […]
As most of us are honest, law-abiding citizens, it may come as a surprise if you are pulled over by the police for a driving offence. However, many driving offences seem like a good deed but are actually an offence. Furthermore, there are seemingly harmless activities that actually are a problem. Are you guilty of […]
If you are going to buy a used car, you need to be careful not to buy the one that was stolen. Unfortunately, it is not enough to check the plate number at the police station. The stolen car could be cloned, which means that all the documents are copied from an identical car that […]
If you are involved in a car accident, the first thing you need to do is to stop your car. It may sound obvious, yet not many people know that it is not only the best practice, but it is your obligation regulated by the Road Traffic Act. The next thing is to secure the […]