This is something for drivers who are considering staying in Spain for an extended time with their UK-registered vehicles. Spanish police can see if you have taxed your car without seeing a tax disc. A public information system gives access to anybody about your automobile, including tax, MOT, colour, etc.
Tag: ThatsAMyth
Many drivers have faced a cracked windscreen. It’s not a pleasant thing, it’s even worse if it’s directly in your line of sight. In the worst scenario, you may need to get a new windscreen. If you have small cracks, you can try to repair it with an injection of acrylic adhesive, epoxy or filler.
Drivers sometimes used to go back and sit in the car while filling the tank. It’s not such a good idea. Opening your doors could initiate statistic electricity causing a spark which is enough to ignite the gasoline. Just a tiny spark could start the fire, proved by Mythbusters.
Not in all scenarios. There are cases when your factory warranty may still work even after modifications. But remember that no company wants to pay for additional expenses. They will probably try to blame it on the modification. Upgraded wheels or upgrades from the manufacturer could influence the warranty.
The lack of rooftop has a significant role in safety. However, comparing convertibles nowadays with the past, we have seen a lot of improvements which stands close to hardtops. Convertibles have electronic stability control, roll bars, side airbags and additional weight compared to hardtops, etc.. Crash test results are useful information for any buyer.
Each brand provides different LPG for your car. People may think that all gas is the same, but it’s not true. Each company provides gas differs with detergents. They can add additional additives to provide a cleaner engine. The choice varies in price. Sometimes it’s better to pay more than later spend a lot on […]
Many drivers still have a habit of the “Mom arm” from the pre-seat belt period of trying to protect their passengers. Drivers throw their arm across the passenger seat thinking it will help out. At the end, both sides could only get injured. The driver’s arm or passenger’s face could stay safe just by buckling […]
We may think that rubber tyres would save us from encountering lightning by insulating the car from the ground. It’s false thinking. The metal roof and metal sides of the vehicle offer protection. In the case of lightning, discharge metal will help conduct striking into the ground, not the tyres.
Sometimes drivers want to take a shortcut and drive in the wrong direction on a one-way road. It is very dangerous behaviour because another driver may not expect anyone to be breaking the rules. It could lead to a ticket or in the worst scenario, a head-on collision. Just a short drive could result in […]
Driving a large vehicle at high speed in windy weather doesn’t have anymore as big risk to flipping over as in the past. New technologies have helped SUV’s to be safer vehicles. All thanks to electronically moderated all-wheel drive configuration, systems of modern traction control and torque vectoring.